Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SlimQuick All Natural

I didn't start the SlimQuick yesterday as planned because I wasn't feeling well and wanted a clear look at how I will react to it, so today was the day.

I took my first dose this morning and will be taking another one shortly. There is a lot of caffeine in each dose so I opted to skip my coffee this morning as I think it was the combo and having too much in my body that caused the stomach issues the last time I took it. I am not really craving the caffeine in it but the warm and yummy goodness of it so this is really hard for me.

I am going to compromise with myself in just a bit though, I will take my next dose with the required water and then I'm going to make some tea that is either caffeine free or at least a low dose so I can get some warm yumminess and feel satisfied.

The Diet Tester

Monday, December 28, 2009

WTH was I thinking?

So many people warned me and tried to remind me that starting a diet plan right before the holidays was futile. Did I listen? NNOOOO!!!!!! I am truly afraid to even weigh myself right now, so I'm not going to for another week at least, maybe twice.

We don't really do a lot of celebrating for new years other than some pizza and soda for the kids so I don't see too much of a problem starting on track now.

Phase 1 was taking better care of myself and doing better with my water intake. I really can't believe I'm saying it but I've done pretty good so far! I have been making a point to clean myself up on a daily basis and while I haven't cut down on alternative beverages I have made sure to be drinking more water to counter it all. Now to just continue with that and move on to the next step.

Phase 2 is to get more sleep and, um, crap, I can't remember right now. Maybe it's my lack of sleep....

I am also going to start an alternative route at the same time. I have taken a few things in the past to aid in weight loss so I am going to start with what I have and go from there. Synthetic stuff is just that, synthetic, but I can say that the warnings alone on the box/bottle can be enough to scare you in to sticking with a plan. Think about it, that's why they can all fail for some and be so effective for others. Either you follow everything it says to avoid any side effects and lose weight, or you take your chances and end up staying the same or gaining. If you don't believe me try reading the warning on the well known diet system 'Alli', that alone will prove my point, just go to their site. I've even taken the stuff and may go back to it in the not so distant future so you will get the daily feedback on how ti works, what it does, and what I would prefer it not be doing.

I will actually be starting though with SlimQuick All Natural. I have taken this recently but was also taking some other herbal drops and was having some stomach issues but have no clue just what was causing it so I am going to give it a try again on it's own and see how it works for me.

Now that it's 12:30 am I will head to bed on what will hopefully be my last late night. I challenge you (who ever you may be since I haven't told anyone I'm doing this and am really just hoping that people start stumbling on it and think it's worth following) to either join me or decide to take your own weight/health in to your own hands and follow your own plan.

The Diet Tester

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 3

Nothing exciting to report. We're getting closer to Christmas which means I'm getting more food prepared and buying the things I can't make until that day and none of it is diet conducive to say the least.

I have been proud of myself, I haven't eaten the numbers of things I would've normally so I'm hoping that will count for something. No treadmill today either but I did walk around 3 separate stores, that are not small, with one of my brothers and then had too much to get done when we got home so, again, I hope that will count for something.

I'm really not expecting to get in any structured exercising until after Christmas day because there is just too much cleaning and what not to get done.

And the excuses begin....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Look at that...

So my plan is/was to stick with posting every day and I missed the first official day. I have a good excuse though, nothing went as planned and it was far from a diet approved day.

I had a long talk with my 'sister' (best friend from high school) and told her about my recent conclusions, the decision to start this blog, my starter plans and slightly longer term plans. Well, like anyone else, she had her own opinions and felt the need to voice them and tell me it was all bad and wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love her just like I would if she were a real sister, which is just it, we feel comfortable enough to voice any and all opinions even if they're unsolicited or wrong.

The first to steps of my weight loss plan are easy.

1)take care of myself. "What?" you say, "Isn't that common sense?" Well, typically it is but there's more to it. You see, as of late I've fallen in to a bit of a slump. I mean seriously, I'm fat and miserable and it's obvious I've quit caring in general so then I chose to quit caring all together. I would go days with out showering, as long as I didn't have serious bed-head in the morning then it passed as ok hair for the entire day with maybe just a quick comb through, and then to top it off 'comfy' clothes because my every day wear instead of just occasional. So I am starting this process by caring again. That starts with showers every day, occasionally every other, fixing my hair and face every day too, and then caring about how my clothing looks as well.

2) drink more water. Again, very basic but I think most of us can admit that we're not always the best about making sure we take in enough every day. I used to be really good about it and have gone back and forth over the years but now it's time to get serious again.

To go with the water intake I'm going to work on decreasing my soda and other beverages consumption. To start I'm going to a 1 every other day limit. For instance, today I didn't have any so tomorrow I can have one if I decide I really need to and then the following day (providing I do have one) then I will make a point to not have any the next day. I will do this until next week and then attempt to increase the days with out to 2 for every 1 day of having some.

Where's the exercise routine? Where's the calorie counting? Where's the diet!?!?!? I hate to disappoint but if that's what you're wanting to see right now then be prepared to be disappointed, at least for another week or so. Seriously, it's the holidays and I'm not stupid enough to think I can start a serious diet days before Christmas and if you think you can then I will just start laughing now. You may succeed but the chances of it are very slim so stop deluding yourself.

I may attempt to start a very low key work out routine directly after Christmas and then move up a bit after the new year. This is actually where the controversy came in to play with my friend. My plan, to get myself started on making a point to do something every day, is to start with the getting on the treadmill daily. Because I have so many problems with my knees I can't do any form of running, a fast walk is the most. I will start with 15-30min a day and go from there. Her big issue was carrying on that that would be over doing it and I could put myself at risk of injury. Are you serious? Now, if I was suggesting starting off with 1-2hrs a day every day then I could understand but I'm suggesting a shorter time then most people spend walking through a store for, well, anything. Once I start adding in more than the treadmill then I will base my treadmill time and days on my other work outs but until then it's just me and a giant motorized, flattened, human approved, hampster wheel.

I will try to give it a week or 2 of doing that regularly and see how I feel, if all is going well and I'm able to stick with it then I will be adding in some yoga in the mornings. A nice low key, low impact, but serious work out.

I'm really hoping that the combo of all of those things and watching more of what I eat after the holidays will give me the new kickstart I need and get me on the road to a thinner, happier and healthier me.

The Diet Tester

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Beginning.

The time has come, the weight has to come off. So, I have decided to try something new, something that will hopefully work for once so that I can not only lose the excess weight but get myself back to a healthier state for my sake and that of my family.

I am a mother to 4 wonderful children and wife of 8 years to an equally wonderful husband. Yes, that's right, in 8 years of marriage we've had 4 kids, but to top that off I will tell you that it's been almost 3 years since I was last pregnant. I gave birth 4 separate times dating just under 5 years between the births. That means that for a short time (almost 2 months) I had 4 kids that were 4 and under.

Ok, enough about all of that, on to the goods!

Well, when I got married I weighed somewhere between 140 and 145lbs, I was also almost 2 months pregnant with our first child. Yes, that's right, but as my very Catholic grandma said "Well, you've been engaged for almost 6 months, dating for almost 2 years, I guess that's ok." It also pays to be grandma's favorite. Now that time has passed I have watched the scale go higher and higher, I'd lose a little and then gain even more, all of which has now left me sitting at (as of yesterday) 234lbs.

But wait! You have had 4 kids in there! Yes, I did. And yes, the last of them was almost 10lbs and destroyed my body in ways I don't care to go in to right now. None of that is a valid excuse! People need to stop using that as a reason to be fat!

I gained more with each pregnancy then I should've, I did also have a lot of water weight which attributed for part of it. Once each came though I continued to eat like it would all be hidden by a giant baby belly. It wasn't, and isn't.

I've tried a few diet pills, been on Weight Watchers, and read many books. Everything has it's merits but also it's own set of draw backs. I could just take the 'easy' way out and opt for a surgical approach that will guarantee an immediate weight loss but also a lifetime of possible issues. I'm keeping it on the burner as a possible future option but I'm here now to prove that a person can do it on their own without taking that last leap. I may try a few different methods over the next year and plan to keep a daily log on how it all goes, my progress, set-backs and just in general how ti all affects me.

My hope is to make a success of it all and be an inspiration for someone else in a similar situation. So please feel free to follow me and to suggest it to any of your friends as well. Here's to losing weight and getting healthy in 2010!

The Diet Tester