Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Beginning.

The time has come, the weight has to come off. So, I have decided to try something new, something that will hopefully work for once so that I can not only lose the excess weight but get myself back to a healthier state for my sake and that of my family.

I am a mother to 4 wonderful children and wife of 8 years to an equally wonderful husband. Yes, that's right, in 8 years of marriage we've had 4 kids, but to top that off I will tell you that it's been almost 3 years since I was last pregnant. I gave birth 4 separate times dating just under 5 years between the births. That means that for a short time (almost 2 months) I had 4 kids that were 4 and under.

Ok, enough about all of that, on to the goods!

Well, when I got married I weighed somewhere between 140 and 145lbs, I was also almost 2 months pregnant with our first child. Yes, that's right, but as my very Catholic grandma said "Well, you've been engaged for almost 6 months, dating for almost 2 years, I guess that's ok." It also pays to be grandma's favorite. Now that time has passed I have watched the scale go higher and higher, I'd lose a little and then gain even more, all of which has now left me sitting at (as of yesterday) 234lbs.

But wait! You have had 4 kids in there! Yes, I did. And yes, the last of them was almost 10lbs and destroyed my body in ways I don't care to go in to right now. None of that is a valid excuse! People need to stop using that as a reason to be fat!

I gained more with each pregnancy then I should've, I did also have a lot of water weight which attributed for part of it. Once each came though I continued to eat like it would all be hidden by a giant baby belly. It wasn't, and isn't.

I've tried a few diet pills, been on Weight Watchers, and read many books. Everything has it's merits but also it's own set of draw backs. I could just take the 'easy' way out and opt for a surgical approach that will guarantee an immediate weight loss but also a lifetime of possible issues. I'm keeping it on the burner as a possible future option but I'm here now to prove that a person can do it on their own without taking that last leap. I may try a few different methods over the next year and plan to keep a daily log on how it all goes, my progress, set-backs and just in general how ti all affects me.

My hope is to make a success of it all and be an inspiration for someone else in a similar situation. So please feel free to follow me and to suggest it to any of your friends as well. Here's to losing weight and getting healthy in 2010!

The Diet Tester

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