Wednesday, January 13, 2010

End of Acai Cleanse, my review.

*Warning* Some of the info may be more than some care to hear, read at your own risk.

Well, yesterday I decided to end the Acai Cleanse. I think I may have had a couple of days left on it but it wasn't worth continuing.

The first thing to keep in mind is that one of the main ingredients is a natural laxative so you have to be careful not to use it for longer than recommended or your body can become dependant. That's the same reason the bottle has a warning about making sure to go at least 30 days between cleanses. Because of that I did 'go' more than normal, especially the first week. Man did it seem to be cleaning out my intestines.

After that first week things seemed to become a bit more solid again which was a welcome change to the occasional stomach aches followed by pure liquid. In the last couple of days I noticed that the amnt over all was less and that I even skipped a day in there. That is not right considering I was taking a powerful natural laxative twice a day. Now I'm even a little worried because as my first full day with out taking it I have had no bowel movements and not even a hint that my body wanted to, despite my coffee this morning either. Really hoping that tomorrow fares better or my review will get even worse.

Acai berries are know for their antioxidant properties. All of the commercials running right now are spurting off about their wonder properties but yet I have yet to hear what those properties are or what good they do. I did a little research and the results weren't good. I had planned to C&P the definitions but for some reason my computer doesn't want to let me right now. So instead you're going to have to deal with links.

The first definition of antioxidant. (
This is one of the easiest definitions of what antioxidants do, they're anti aging I guess.
Here's a slightly different explanation.
And direct from May Clinic's site on the question about benefits of acai berries.

What I gathered from all of that is a lot of nothing really. Between antioxidants and acai berries (yes, I know they are supposed to be one in the same in these pills but they're man made horse pills with who knows what really in them) you shouldn't get older as fast as long as they're natural, if they're man made you could be taking the stuff that helps in the process of making gasoline, but the fiber that the berries themselves offer will help you to crap it all out in the end.

What? It's all good for you? You should be taking supplements daily? Have you ever stopped to think about that statement? Really think about it. Supplements are just that, something artificial created to supplement what your lacking nutrient wise in your own life. You know, I was going to go in to a major rant about this but I've decided to save it for another post because I want to have the time to put a whole slew of info on here showing just how 'beneficial' supplements are.

So, to conclude my review on the Acai Cleanse that I happened to purchase at GNC, don't bother. You can have the same effects by drinking Smooth Move tea (same laxative ingredient) which is less processed and better ingredients all around and be totally cleaned out after doing that for 2 days rather than pills for 2 weeks and then just load up on some good, fresh fruit for the rest. I don't' feel any better after doing it and I don't feel there was any change on the scale that was exceptional. I've been watching my food intake for the most part so I don't know what can be 'blamed' for the 2-3lbs I've lost.

The Diet Tester

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